Thursday, 13 October 2016

Measuring Length

Today we learned about using metres to measure length. We first of all discovered the importance of using standard measures like metres. We found out that measuring using our feet didn't work if we wanted to give the information to someone else because our feet are all different sizes!
We pretended we were pirates and Miss McKenzie told us the treasure was buried 12 steps from the crooked palm tree. The problem was that when we measured out 12 of our steps we were in the wrong place because Miss McKenzie's feet are bigger than ours! We had to think of a different unit to use. We thought of metres!

Once we had learned how big a metre is we used metre rulers to draw out a pirate ship that is 10m in length and with a 5m mast. This was quite a big task! But we got there in the end! 

Can you see our pirate ships drawn on the concrete?



1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a fun way to learn measuring.