Monday, 8 August 2016

Incubating Eggs

Today we started incubating our chicken eggs. We have to carefully monitor the incubator regularly keeping the temperature and humidity at the perfect number. 

We have a variety of eggs in the incubator some are even blue! Thanks for collecting the fertilised eggs Lisa!

We hope to have chicks in 3 weeks (21 days). Cross your fingers for us!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Room 3. This is such an exciting project. Max talks about it all the time and now he wants to get an incubator for home. Will be interesting when your baby chicks hatch. Well done on your hen house project. Looking forward to seeing it progress. Maxs mom 😉

Unknown said...

Hi kids, well done of taking this big responsibilities to look after the eggs. Raihanah been talking about this everyday and counting down the days. Tomorrow will be 19 days to go. Guess what, the blue egg will hatch a polka dots (Raihanah named the chook) chicks!We do have one chooks that produce a blue egg and it is the black and white chook. All the best and thank you to Lisa and other parents whom make it happens for our kids. :)

Anonymous said...

Isla talks about the eggs everyday. 6 days to go now until hatching! I suggested to Isla that you try looking through the eggs with a bright light shining underneath or from behind. You might be able to see the chick embryos growing inside!
Nadine (Isla's Mum)

Team Kereru said...

Wow what a cool project, you must have an awesome teacher. I can't wait to see pictures of them when they hatch. Mrs Stanway and Team Kereru