Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Concert Posters

Our inquiry this term is 'What makes a performance?' This links with our school concert. The children have been busy today creating posters to advertise the school concert. 







Chicken Update

Our chickens are producing fantastic eggs! Here is a photo Miss McKenzie received early one morning of a happy young lady eating her Gore Main egg! She said it tasted delicious!! 


We are needing some help with our Gore Main hens over the school holidays! If you live close to the school and are happy to help look after the hens over the school holidays please keep your eyes and ears open as Miss McKenzie will be handing out application forms so you can apply to look after the hens for a period of time. Miss McKenzie will in touch with the families who are successful and provide training! 

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Two Messy Monsters Play

Enjoy watching the Pekapeka reading group (with Max and Brodie as extras) perform their play.

 It is the day of the Book Fair and the twins, Jo and Pete (played by Sophie and Sam) have forgotten. They race to find a costume to wear before deciding to go as monsters. Little do they know there are real monsters in the house! Big sister, Sarah, (played by Isla) gets the blame for the mess created by the monsters. Poor Sarah!

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Kahurangi Dance Group

We were treated to a performance by Kahurangi a dance group from the North Island.
They told us Maori legends through dance. We loved their traditional Maori costumes. We saw lots of koru on their costumes. Now we are spotting koru everywhere!! Our favourite part was when they showed us how they use weapons and even got some Gore Main boys up to demonstrate too!





Monday, 21 November 2016

Explanations: How a bee makes honey

Last week we researched how a honeybee makes honey and wrote an explanation to explain this process.
We had to make sure we had included an introduction and a conclusion as well as the steps taken in the honey making process.
We then self assessed our own work and buddy checked each others.
At the end we published our writing using Google Slides.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Kowhaiwhai Art

We have been learning about koru. We have noticed this design is often used in many logos around NZ. First we practised drawing koru then we drew with scissors to cut out koru before we designed our own kowhaiwhai pattern on a black triangle. 










Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Our Visit from Manatu Team

On Tuesday we were lucky enough to get a visit from Manatu Team a class at Clutha Valley Primary School. We loved sharing our writing with them and listening to their writing too! We took them up to check out Adventure World and our chickens. They have an incubator with eggs in their classroom at the moment! We shared our experience of raising chickens and trying to hatch eggs in an incubator. They also got to check out Room 6's new chicks. We had a fantastic time with the Manatu children and hope they had a great time visiting us at Gore Main also! 





Thursday, 3 November 2016

Free Range Chooks

Our hens are enjoying their free range life and the children and teachers  are enjoying having them around! They are so friendly that they will let us pat them and pick them up!