Saturday, 29 October 2016

Amazing Award Winners


These are our award winners this week. This assembly was made extra special by the fact that our class won the Shooting Star trophy for our extra responsibilities we have taken on after building the hen house and looking after our hens. Well done Room 3 you are all amazing!!

Thursday, 20 October 2016

New Page!

Check out our Digital Citizenship page under our photo at the top for some cool links and information about this topic

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Thank You Duncan and Gus

Digital Citizenship

Today we started our topic Digital Citizenship. We are learning to become digital citizens.
Digital citizens are people who are confident users of information communication technologies (ICTs) and use them in a positive way. They are honest and show integrity by always doing the right thing at the right time.

We read this story and discussed our thoughts and opinions.

Our Hen House Is Complete!!

Our inquiry project is complete with the addition of 4 new laying hens to our hen house. The new hens have been laying eggs daily and today we sent home our very first carton of Gore Main School eggs to Caedyn's Dad and Grandad who built the hen house.

Our hens are called:
Mrs Big Feathers

They are very happy in their new house and have gotten used to being the centre of attention in Gore Main very quickly! The kids even got to pat them today!! 

Click on the link that says 'inquiry' to the left of this post to see our inquiry journey. 

Here are some photos of the completed project and the first dozen eggs. We can't wait to start selling our eggs! 










Monday, 17 October 2016

Our Egg Carton Labels

Looked at the designs on egg cartons from the supermarket and decided what we liked and didn't like about these.
We made a list of things that egg cartons need to have on them. Next we designed our own egg carton labels. Some of us worked with a buddy and others worked independently.

We are all super proud of our designs and Miss McKenzie is super proud of us too!
We created these on google slides.



Sunday, 16 October 2016

Amazing award winners

Congratulations to our awesome award winners! 
This term our value is honesty!


Saturday, 15 October 2016

Mr Yipadee

Delano Yipadee come to visit us this week at the James Cumming Wing. He was promoting his new books  'Jingle bells, Rudolph Smells and 'Nee Naw the Little Fire Engine'.
We got to sing songs and join along with singing to the book it was fun!!
We also got to see Rudolph!!! 



Thursday, 13 October 2016

Measuring Length

Today we learned about using metres to measure length. We first of all discovered the importance of using standard measures like metres. We found out that measuring using our feet didn't work if we wanted to give the information to someone else because our feet are all different sizes!
We pretended we were pirates and Miss McKenzie told us the treasure was buried 12 steps from the crooked palm tree. The problem was that when we measured out 12 of our steps we were in the wrong place because Miss McKenzie's feet are bigger than ours! We had to think of a different unit to use. We thought of metres!

Once we had learned how big a metre is we used metre rulers to draw out a pirate ship that is 10m in length and with a 5m mast. This was quite a big task! But we got there in the end! 

Can you see our pirate ships drawn on the concrete?



Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Sports Activator

Today we had our sports activator Stu come in to teach us fundamental movement skills. These skills are the basis of all the sports we play. 

Today we learnt to aim at a target, roll and throw. We also practised balancing. 







Staining the henhouse

Today we stained the henhouse! It was a fantastic experience for the kids and they learnt how to use a paint brush and apply the stain evenly. They didn't even get too messy! 






Monday, 10 October 2016

Chicken Run

Here we are checking out the new chicken run. Our hen house is all ready to go! We just need to stain it and buy a self feeder for our hens. We can't wait to get some hens to put in it!!

Our chicks have grown so much over the holidays...they hardly look like chicks anymore. We can tell them apart now as they have different coloured feathers.

Meet Tweety (hen)

Meet Star (hen)

 Meet Flash (rooster)

Meet Memo (rooster)

Blue Duck Whio Whio Colouring Competition Success

Today we received an exciting package from the Department of Conservation! Last term we coloured and sent away our blue duck colouring competitions. We made the ducks pop out and become 3D we also put glitter on the ducks and in the water.

All of our hard work paid off because we won the most creative entries! 

We each received a wrist band and a blue duck (whio whio) soft toy for the classroom. Miss McKenzie received a teacher book and a hat!