Tuesday, 27 September 2016


The chicks grew so fast in their first two weeks! I wonder what they will look like after the two week school holiday!

Friday, 23 September 2016

Goodbye Mrs McWhiter

Our wonderful teacher aide Mrs McWhirter is leaving to start a new job in a gift shop in Gore. We have loved having her in Room 3 and she has been a fantastic teacher. Here is our video of all of the things we love about Mrs McWhirter.

Chicken Art

We have gone chicken mad in Room 3 this term! Come in and check out our crazy chicken art masterpieces!

Friday, 16 September 2016

Our Chicken Information Reports

Check out our information reports about chickens. We have published these on google slides completely independently!  We are busy taking good care of our own chicks in the classroom and they are growing fast!

Room Three are becoming chicken experts. We hope you enjoy our information reports and learn something new,

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Our Chicks

On Monday and Tuesday we got to hold the chicks. We had to be very gentle because they are fragile. It was a great experience for the children.

Thank you Mr Goodwin

Our thank you to Mr Goodwin who donated the chicks.

Room Three's Hen House

Room 3 were so excited to find out the hen house was being built on Monday. They took turns to go out in small groups and watch the hen house being built. 

The builders were Caedyn's Dad (Duncan) and Caedyn's Grandad (Gus) and apprentice Anthony from Ashby and McAllister Builders. They donated the materials and their time to do this for us. Thank you so much!! It was great for the kids to see the whole process. 

Please support this local business who have generously supported us! 

We love our hen house and think it will be like a luxury hotel for the chooks! They will love it too! We will attach a run to it at a later date and buy some young laying hens to put in it. Our chicks will go in it too when they are old enough. 

Checking out the finished product.

We are so stoked with it!! Thank you Ashby and McAllister Builders! You guys are awesome!!

Friday, 9 September 2016

Room Three Explains the Life Cycle of a Chicken

Click on 'click to read' to view this flip book of the children's writing as full screen. This week every child is a published author. Some children have their writing in this weeks newsletter and others have it here on the blog. Enjoy their super writing.

Mount Everest Writing in newsletter
Life Cyle Explanation Writing in newsletter

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Our Newest Class Members

We have chicks in Room 3! A man called Michael kindly donated us 4 brown shaver chicks after the eggs we had been incubating didn't hatch! 

We love our new chicks and love to spend time watching them!

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Celebrating Super Authors

We have had a fantastic 2 weeks of writing in Room 3. There have been many amazing writing pieces produced by every single Room Three member over the past 2 weeks. We love sharing our writing and know that our writing is meant to be shared. Here we are sharing our Mt Everest writing with a buddy.

Keep an eye out for our writing popping up in the latest newsletter, the Gore Main Facebook page, our blog and on seesaw. You can also see our writing on the writing wall in Room Three. 

Art Masterpieces

Come into Room 3 and check our last art masterpieces. Can you guess which Olympic sport we are taking part in??

Saturday, 3 September 2016

Assembly Awards and Shooting Star

Congratulations to our award winners this week!

Today's assembly was extra special as Room 3 won the shooting star trophy!! Miss Copland was in charge of handing it out this week and she was looking for the class who sat down and ate their lunch and waited for their lunch boxes to be checked before playing. Ka pai kids keep it up!!

Friday, 2 September 2016

Adventure World Update

This week a playhouse was delivered to the school for adventure world. This playhouse was donated to the school by the Abernethy family and built by Caedyn's Dad Duncan McAllister. Thank you so much!!! The kids will love playing in it. When a tractor is in next week it will be moved into adventure world so the kids can use it.

A huge thank you also goes Kory Davis and the Gore Placemakers team for transporting it Gore Main with their Hi-ab transporter and to Duncan McAllister for organising the transportation of the play house.  

You all are awesome and your support is much appreciated!